Hello friends and family! We have had a bit of a rough month and it has taken us a bit longer to get out this blog post than we had intended. So, we must preface this post by letting you know it was actually written in December and hence some of it may appear a bit out of date. We promise to write a fresh new one soon to tell you about our month of misfortune… But we are fine now, maybe even great. Just a bit of a respiratory bug that got us down for a while. So here is your very late, but very loveful holiday blog!
With the holidays right around the corner, we decided to make a tribute to Portland and all of things we are missing back home. It all started a few weeks ago when an American girl from Wisconsin stayed at the lodge. She was very excited to learn that we were from Portland, as she is planning on moving there when she returns back to the states next year. We sat down with her and gave her all of our goods about The Rose City and by the end of the conversation we were both completely homesick! Therefore, we will share with you all of the wonderful things that we wish we could be doing in our hometown with hopes that all of you in Portland will appreciate them a little more!
· Christmas lights downtown and the warm fuzzy feeling they give you on those dark winter evenings.
· Powell’s Books. Even when you aren’t looking to buy, it is always a refuge from the cold and a good place to get some coffee and browse over the new releases and old classics.
· The Meridian on Hawthorne. A local, friendly bar with pool and a jukebox – not to mention one of Andy’s favorite Match.com date locations ;)
· Sound Grounds coffee shop on Belmont. Good coffee with a selection of used records to browse through. I spent many hours studying here, sipping on iced herbal tea. Mmmm.
· Stumptown Coffee. Though a bit pretentious at times, it sure is a good cup of joe and we can’t help but boast about it to people here.
· Voodoo Doughnuts. Amazingness. Need we say more?
· The Washington Park Zoo. Though I rarely make it to the zoo and especially not during the holidays with the weather and all, I still found myself out in the orchard with the biggest pang to be wandering around the paths looking for the ever elusive Big Cats.
· Oaks Park Roller Skating Rink. Another experience out on the orchard when I was suddenly overcome with that distinct Oaks Roller Rink scent. Some mix of old leather and sweet cotton candy. A great place for a rainy Sunday afternoon, when they bring down the big pipe organ and some of the old folks come back to the spot they have loved for decades. Of course, for me it will always be the spot where my grandfather first laid eyes on my grandmother (to think, he almost didn’t accompany his older brother and friends that night.). as well as the spot where my 15 year old mother sprained her wrist when she was attempting to impress her boyfriend (yep, it was my dad)
· The Columbia Gorge just a 20-30 minute drive away. There are some good trails to take in the winter, when Portland is getting colder and the gorge is dusted with snow and icicles. Andy and I have enjoyed taking invigorating walks complete with ice cold waterfall showers and then warming up just across the road at the Bonneville Spa where you can get a herbal bath and wrap for $30 - $40!
· Peacock Lane – A street in Portland that prides itself on always having the most spectacular holiday light display in the area. I’m pretty sure you are only allowed to live on this street if you own a minimum of 20,000 little lights and 15 lawn ornaments. Very fun to take a walk with some hot chocolate (caramel schnapps optional).
· Nick’s Coney Island to watch our beloved Blazers and commiserate with the regulars about our seemingly endless injury woes (Brandon Roy- surgery on both knees?! Yikes! Looks like we picked a good season to missL). Don’t forget to enjoy a delicious rootbeer float- order a “Bomber” if you want it spiked!
· Portland’s many tasty breakfast joints on a lazy Saturday morning. (Bread and Ink, Cup and Saucer, Fat Albert’s, Bertie Lou’s, Juniors) or make your own custom pancakes- gluten free if you like- at Slappy Cakes.
· We’ve eaten more Burger King and McDonalds than we care to admit here n New Zealand (actually I will flat out deny it if you ask me later)- and each time we reminisce and boast to our new friends here about the “healthy” fast-food at Burgerville.
· Mexican Restaurants! Mexican restaurants here are crazy expensive as well as few and far between. Even a small can of refried beans costs over $4!! Our favorites back home include Pepinos (not the best, but super cheap and right next to Andy’s old place), Porque No, La Carreta, Laughing Planet, Aqui (did it really close?! Whhhhy?) and Iron Horse.
· Live Music!! Being away has made us both appreciate all of the quality, original live music you can hear in Portland literally any night of the week. No matter who your favorite band is, eventually they will be rolling through town- also there are so many local acts that have regular gigs. Some of our favorite venues include the Aladdin, Laurelthirst, Alberta St. Pub, Mississippi Studios, Crystal Ballroom, Kell’s, and the Roseland. Theresa also couldn’t leave out the Rose Garden in honor of the numerous Bruce concerts she’s seen there.
· The Rose Gardens and all of Washington and Forest park. Another good lazy Sunday spot. Fun to get yourself a bit lost in the trails and find your way out again. The rose gardens are pretty barren in winter, but with no people around it holds a certain feeling of romance.
Okay, we really can go on and on, but most of you already know all of these things anyway. We do miss you Portlandia and all of the little things that make you so special!
Here are some of our Christmas photos...
No eggnog in New Zealand, means making it from scratch! |
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I was very proud of my hand whipped cream and egg whites...only took 45 minutes. |
French toast and eggnog Christmas breakfast |
Christmas day on the beach with friends |
Some friends made a "Sand Man" complete with rugby ball hat. |
Christmas in New Zealand |
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Our Christmas Tree |
International Potluck Dinner |
White Elephant Gift Exchange |
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Fresh Boogie Board |
All Blacks Rugby |
New Year's Eve |
New Year's Eve |
New Year's Eve (that's our car!) |